Friday 1 February 2019

Why is Brass Knuckles Illegal despite Being Worldwide Popular?

Brass knuckles have been around us for a long time; since the ancient Romans have been around us to be specific. In fact, the first versions of the brass knuckles were manufactured and developed by the Romans themselves. Subsequently, the first versions of the brass knuckles comprised of "fighting gloves" which contained parts of metals and stones. These initials forms of the brass knuckles were known as the "caestus" and comprised of leather wrappings with bits and pieces of metal and stones. 

Similar to the modern version of the brass knuckles, the "caestus" serves as a tool which added the much-required boost to the punching power of the gladiators. The gladiators used the first versions of the brass knuckles in the fighting arenas where to the cheer of the crowd much damage was inflicted to the slaves who were presented to the gladiators as their fighting "opponents".

Since the very beginning, the brass knuckles have maintained their status as being effective fighting tools; consequently, the brass knuckles are banned in the majority of the states and countries around the globe. The ban on the bass knuckle is mainly due to their brutal history as well as the fact that you can impart some serious damage while wielding an amazing pair of the brass knuckles. 

For instance, all of us know that fights with brass knuckles always end in a broken nose, fractured skull, or other broken body parts. In this regard, people have come up with other ideas for keeping the brass knuckles around. For instance, now you are able to get brass knuckles in the form of the brass knuckles paperweight or the brass knuckles belt buckle. Many fashion designers have added the brass knuckles into clothing items as well, such as shoes with heels designed after the brass knuckles; or, even bags with brass knuckles attached to them.

Brass Knuckles and Legality Issues

The rich history of the brass knuckles reflects the efficacy of them in terms of amazing fighting tools. Did you know that during the WWII, the soldiers used brass knuckles knife, also known as the trench knife for fighting off their opponents within the tight spaces of the trenches? During the WWI and WWII, the major parts of the wars were in fact fought inside the trenches where the long rifles couldn't do the needful jobs. This is where the brass knuckles knife took over and served as an effective fighting tool. The trench knife had brass knuckles attached to their knife handle which made them effective fighting blades. If you are looking for brass knuckles online, it is important to check in with the local law department with regards to the legality of carrying them on you.

In California, Texas, Michigan, the State of Vermont, and Illinois, the brass knuckles are banned and illegal to own and possess. However, in the state of South Carolina, you are allowed to carry and own the brass knuckles except for carrying it with murderous intentions. If the latter is the case, you can face a long time in jail. In case your state allows you to carry and own an amazing set of brass knuckles, you ought to practice sufficiently with regards to the maneuverability of the brass knuckles. It is highly recommended to practice with the brass knuckles against a wall or a sandbag before you feel confident enough to take the brass knuckles outside. While maneuvering the brass knuckles, make sure that you keep your arm slightly bent while keeping the wrist straight. This stature will prevent the fracture of your striking hand while using the brass knuckles.

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