Wednesday 26 December 2018

The Importance of Self Defense and Non-Lethal Weapons

Self defense weapons are simply the must-have items in such an intimidating world where we live. Do you possess one of the self defense weapons as your contingency plan to deal with a somewhat hairy situation? If no, then do not waste more of your precious time; there is a variety of self defense weapons to choose from. 

Self-defense doesn't necessarily indicate a lethal gun; there are a variety of non-lethal tools out there that can be used as effectively during a life-threatening situation. In fact, these weapons can not only save your life but also keep you out of the courts. The below-given list comprises 4 of the best self defense weapons that are also non-lethal while they save you and your loved ones.

1.  The Stun Gun

As indicated by the name, this is a gun; however, it renders no deathly harm. This is also one of the best non-lethal self defense weapons to possess. The stun guns come in a variety of sizes and forms; all, however, work with the same purpose: your protection. Some stun guns have also an in-built flashlight that is much useful at night. Even, if the attacker tries to snatch the stun gun away from you, you can temporarily paralyze him by sending non-lethal current voltage through his/her body. 

Meanwhile, you will have plenty of time to get yourself away from the nasty situation and alarm the authorities. In many instances, the wielder of the stun gun doesn't even have to use it; in fact, the mere sound of the voltage running through the stun gun has been observed to be quite effective while having discouraged the attacker to assault.

2.  The Pepper Spray

Yes, I know that the pepper spray has been around us since quite a time now; however, no one can deny the efficacy of it. Even the cops carry pepper spray in order to be a troublemaker under control. It is highly recommended to carry the pepper spray as your secondary choice of self defense weapons. The pepper spray is effective with the most aggressive attackers well; all you have to do is making sure that you hit in the attacker's face and eyes with the content of the pepper spray. Afterward, make sure to distance yourself as the attacker is more likely to kick around in agony.

3.  The Tactical Pen

Did you know that the best self defense weapons are those that you can carry in a concealed manner? If you were carrying the self defense weapons in an open display; it would only lead to attracting more trouble. The tactical hidden pen knife is one of the perfect concealed-carry self defense weapons. The tactical pen is sturdy enough to even break through harder surfaces, such as glass. In this way, the tactical pen can also be used as a survival tool apart from self defense. The razor-sharp pen tip is concealed underneath the lid of the pen. Make sure to use stabbing and thrusting motion while working the tactical pen on your attacker's anatomy. The tactical pen is perfectly built for close-body attacks.

4.  A Personal Alarm

The personal alarm works great for children and teenagers as their self defense weapons. Not only is this tool cost-effective but also easy to use; specifically, for the school-children who can use it to "ring the alarm" in case they feel threatened. While getting one of the best self defense weapons, it is important to practice with regards to their maneuverability before taking them onto the streets. The mere possession of the self defense weapons will do no good if you don't know how to utilize them in life-threatening situations.

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