Thursday 28 February 2019

How can a Baton Serve as a Self Defense Weapon?

Self defense has become a necessity for general public. From mass shootings to terrorist attacks, there have been hundreds of violence incidents taking place all over the world. Most of the victims of these violent attacks are the ones who can’t do anything to protect themselves. So, it is important to arm yourself to survive such attacks. You can do several things to escape the attacks, but you would still be landing in danger if you go outside unarmed. 

This is probably the reason why people are choosing self defense weapons. There are endless choices if you get to the market to buy a self defense tool. However, not every tool is up to the mark. A few weapons can be bulky to conceal, some are pretty hard to use, and a few require permits for use. This is where a self defense baton can be the most astounding choice. Self Defense batons can be easy to use, lightweight and collapsible, and can protect you from unexpected attacks. If you are wondering how a baton can serve as a self defense weapon, following are the reasons.

Easily concealed and compact

One of the greatest problems with the self defense weapons is that they are hard to conceal. Most of the weapons are difficult to hide such as handguns. You would never want to make it obvious that you are carrying a weapon. The surprise element can make a difference in case an incident happens as it would create a fear in the attacker’s mind. For this purpose, only self defense batons are an appropriate option. Batons can be hidden easily unlike pepper sprays, handguns, stun guns and other self defense tools. Modern batons are slim and easy to carry, Also, there are less chances of injuring yourself with baton, unlike pepper sprays and stun guns that can cause damage to the owner himself. 

No training needed to use a baton

Self defense baton is the easiest to use weapon. If you want to carry a handgun, you will need hours of training. If you have not fired a gun before, it is impossible to use the gun without proper training. Also, knives require practice for gaining accuracy. However, if you have not used a baton before, you can still use it because there is no difficulty using it. So, rather than spending time on training, you can start carrying it and immobilizing the attackers.

It can be used at a moment’s notice
The attacks are often occurred suddenly, you have no idea when an attacker approaches you. Therefore, you need a weapon that can work for you at a moment’s notice. A handgun is needed to be loaded or reloaded, a knife is needed to be taken out from the sheath. A self defense baton in your hands can quickly survive you from the attacks. In addition, batons don’t require consistent maintenance. However, they are more effective as self defense tools than guns, knives, and stun guns etc.

Read More: Benefits of training with foam swords

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