Thursday 26 December 2019

Pepper Spray - Women’s Perfect Defender

Pepper spray has emerged as an effective weapon for self defense. It is specifically advantageous for women who like to carry small and non lethal weapons. 

And yes, it is non lethal, but very effective. It works well in a self defense situation. This is why it has dramatically become popular among women. 

Well, this is not the weapon that is supposed to be used by women only, men can also use it. 

But, considering the fact that men prefer lethal weapons, they don’t find it as an ideal weapon for them. As far as women are concerned, this is their perfect defender. 

Today, I will tell you exactly why women love to use pepper spray to deal with the attackers. But, before that, it is important to know its working mechanism. Here is how it works:

How Pepper Spray Works?

Pepper spray is actually a spray and you can spray it by just pushing a button. When you spray it on the face of the attacker, it causes a severe burning effect. 

It specifically causes damage to the eyes. It can irritate the eyes and force them to close. Also, it leads to temporary blindness, and allows you to escape. There is no permanent damage though. 

Carried in the Pocket or Purse

Pepper spray is usually a very small weapon. It is so small that it easily fits into the pocket. For women, it is the best thing because they can carry it in their purses. Since it is easy to carry, they can remain equipped with a weapon and be ready to face the attackers.

Usable from Some Distance

A great advantage of pepper spray over other self defense weapons is that it can be used from a distance. Many weapons are useful, but they require you to go near the attacker to inflict maximum damage. 

Not the case with pepper spray. It causes effect from some distance, or in other words, a safe distance. 

I know going closer to the attacker is dangerous. So, with this spray, you can stand at a safe distance and do the damage. 

Immediate Effect

The reason why women love pepper spray is that it can cause damage quickly. This is also why they don’t like using blades. 

Yes, blades can cause long term injuries, but the temporary effect is not enough to knock them down.

On the other hand, temporary effect caused by this spray is severe. It can quickly cause blindness or force the attacker to close his eyes due to serious burning sensation. 

Hence, this quick damage is what women want in such situations. 

Guaranteed Survival

Pepper spray guarantees your survival against the attackers. Review its advantages mentioned above, you can understand why women prefer this smart weapon to deal with the attackers. It fulfills the needs as well as expectations of the women.

Tuesday 24 December 2019

Stun Gun - Electroshock Device to Serve Your Survival

Stun gun has emerged as the most effective weapon for survival against the attackers. Since random attacks have become common, there are consistent struggles to find the right weapon to deal with those attackers. 

However, people have come around stun gun as the best weapon to get rid of attackers. 

This is basically an electroshock device which serves your survival by immobilizing the attacker. Here is a complete description of this electroshock weapon. 

How Does a Stun Gun Work?

Stun gun is a very small sized weapon. It is shaped like a cell phone, a ring, a flashlight, a lipstick etc. However, on all these designs, one thing is common and i-e the two prongs. 

These two prongs actually make the weapon work. When you touch the prongs to the attacker’s body, they deliver a powerful electrical shock straight away and immobilize the attacker for some time. 

Stun Gun is Easiest to Carry Weapon

An advantage of stun gun as a self defense weapon is that it is easy to carry. Firstly, because it is shaped like commonly used things such as cell phone or lipstick, it is hard to detect. 

Secondly, it is extremely small that it fits into the pocket quite well. So, you can carry it in your pocket. Women can even carry it in their purses or small bags. 

Stun Gun is Easiest to Use

Another advantage of having a stun gun as your ultimate self defense weapon is that it is quite easy to use. Most weapons out there are quite complex to use. But it is quite easy.

No training or practice needed. You can learn it straight away because you actually have nothing to do with it. 

All you need to do is touch the prongs to the body of the attacker and this is it. A strong electrical shock is delivered to the attacker.

How Stun Gun Serves Your Survival?

Stun gun ensures your survival by letting you escape after putting the attacker on his toes. As you deliver a powerful electrical shock, the attacker is immobilized for quite some time. 

In the meantime, you can escape and run for your life. The attacker will take some time to get back on his feet.

Monday 25 November 2019

Extraordinary Features of Spring Assisted Knives

Pocket knives come in a couple of versions. First of all, there are spring assisted knives and secondly there are switchblade knives. 

Many people tend to compare these two versions to figure out which is a better version among them. 

However, most of the users agree that spring assisted knives are the better version of pocket knives. 

Spring assisted knives are also known as assisted opening knives. These are small sized knives with foldable blades. 

They possess some exceptional features. Today, I will specifically talk about those features. 

Let’s start with the blade deployment. 

Easy Blade Deployment

Spring assisted knives feature springs. As the name tells the story, some assistance is required to open the blade since there is a spring. 

Unlike a switchblade, this knife does not have a push button attached to it. Rather, you need to pull the blade yourself to some extent. 

You need to put some assistance to pull the blade partially. When it gets to this position, it would then open quickly. 

This is a solid blade deployment mechanism. It makes it easy to deploy the blade, and also safe.

Switchblade knives opens the blade at once which can be dangerous. So, this is a comfortable and safe option.


Durability is another wonderful feature of spring assisted knives. This knife has a sturdy blade which lasts longer. 

Moreover, there is no chance of malfunction. Since the knife has no push button and no additional parts attached, the chances of malfunction are quite low. 

Less number of parts means less chances of malfunction. Therefore, these knives can be used for a longer period of time. 

Users have determined the durability of these knives. Handles and blades are also quite sturdy.

Multiple Uses

Another feature of spring assisted knives is that they can be used for multiple purposes. 

These small bladed knives can be used for everyday carry and for getting all the routine cutting tasks done. 

You can use these cool knives for cutting vegetables and preparing food in the kitchen. You can also use them for cutting ropes, wires, grass, and any material you want. 

Moreover, these are useful knives for self defense against the attackers.

Read Also: How to Use Brass Knuckles for Diverse Purposes? A Detailed Guide!

Wednesday 20 November 2019

A Quick Guide to Using Knuckle Duster

Knuckle duster, also known as brass knuckles, is a popular weapon today used for multiple purposes. It is majorly a weapon for self defense.

It is usually made of metal or brass and is quite powerful and brutal. It is worn around knuckles. Wearing it means you gain serious strength in your fist.

If you own a fantastic pair of knuckle duster, congrats, you can now use it in plenty of ways.

This is a quick guide on how you can use it for diverse purposes. So, let’s begin with the guide.

How to Use Knuckle Duster for Self Defense?

Knuckle duster is a wonderful weapon for self defense. It is effective in situations like defense against the attackers.

If you want to survive in such situations with your knucks, that’s easy. You can wear it and stay equipped with it.

When an attacker tries to attack, you can first defend his strikes with the knuckle duster. Then, it is your turn to deliver a powerful punch.

Just close your fist and deliver a punch in his face. A single punch is enough to knock him down. Then, you can escape and survive.

How to Use Knuckle Duster as Paperweight?

You can use it as your paperweight as well. Grab a heavier piece of knucks, typically the one made of brass.

The brass knuckles is more durable than the one made of metal. Also, make sure to get a gorgeous and stylish piece.

Place it on the papers to make sure they don’t fly away and remain within your access.

How to Use Knuckle Duster for Role Play?

You can also use knuckle duster for role play. Just wear it when you need to become a gangster on stage.

It gives a gangster appeal to the wearer. If you want to showcase your badass character, you can just wear it around your knuckles.

How to Use Knuckle Duster as an Accessory?

Knuckle duster is a fantastic fashion accessory. It can just be worn as a cool fashion item. But make sure to wear it on jeans.

Also, you can use it as an ornament for your cars and bikes. I mean replacing things like door handles with knucks. How creative?

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Monday 4 November 2019

The Many Uses of Knuckle Duster You Probably Don’t Know!

Knuckle duster is a small wearable weapon mainly used for improving the punching power. It is used as a weapon, tool and an accessory.

Most users think it is just a fighting weapon and hence they ignore several other significant uses. 

In this article, I will tell you about the many uses of this weapon that many of you don’t know. Following are those key uses:


Many people will be surprised to know that knuckle duster is being used as a paperweight. Paperweight refers to anything which controls the papers. 

When a weight is placed on the papers or documents, they don’t fly away. The idea is to keep them placed where they are supposed to be. 

Since brass knuckles are weighty things, they can be placed on the papers to prevent them from flying away. 

Car Ornaments

Knuckle duster is also used as an ornament for vehicles. Bikers use it as an ornament by adding it to their handles. 

Also, car owners try to be creative and add knucks to their car door handles. A few add them to the steering wheels as well. 


Cosplayers often use a variation of knuckle duster which includes a blade i-e knuckle duster knife. 

However, they use real brass knuckles as well for this purpose. Wearing it gives a badass appeal. 

If they want to become gangsters on stage, they would wear this weapon to display the badass side of theirs. 

Several hardcore singers ususally wear it as a fashion accessory.  

Self Defense

Those who think that knuckle duster is just a fashion accessory must realize that it is a weapon. 

Yes, doubt does take place when it is worn around the knuckles, but take it as a wearable weapon. 

It isn’t just an accessory or tool, it is a badass weapon as well. It can inflict severe injuries when punched in the face. 

You can use it against the attacker to ensure your survival in a self defense weapons situation. When an attackers come to you, deliver a powerful punch in his face and injure him. 

Have you used your knuckle duster for these purposes? If not, please do! 

Read Also: Brass Knuckle Knife - An Effective Weapon for Self Defense!

Tuesday 16 July 2019

Stun Guns: Effective Self-defense Weapons for Women

Are you worried about getting hurt from assailant? Stun guns, also known as immobilizers would be simply the best approach in this case. It first gives a shock to the person it is used against, and then it immobilizes that person. These immobilizers can incapacitate an aggressor incidentally by conveying a non-deadly, high-voltage electric shock that is quite effective. 

Just use it against your assailant and you will be good to go and capable enough to stop an assault or forceful misconduct. Your assailant will be taught the lesson of his life when an amazing and powerful electric flow throbs between the prongs of metal and make a high and dazzling electrical sight and a loud sound. A huge assortment of the most effective and most powerful stun guns are made and sold in stores all over the world. 

The Advantages of Using Stun Gun

Stun guns are considered to be legal in most of the cities and this is their one big advantage over other self-defense weapons. Firearms are not legal to use in many areas and so are some other weapons as well, to be carried by the common public. Therefore, ladies need something to keep themselves safe without breaking the law and that is where stun guns come in which are legal most of the time and they can have a wide range of other benefits as well. 

For certain ladies, particularly young ladies who are bound to be in circumstances where there's a higher possibility of being ambushed, cost of a gun, is beyond what they can manage. Carrying a gun is quite expensive apart from the fact that it is very dangerous to do so, a stun gun is comparatively easier to buy and is cheap as well. In every case, a stun gun is better than a firearm and most of the other self-defense weapons. They can be easily carried around as well.

Monday 15 July 2019

A Brief Introduction to Self-defense Knives

Self-defense weapons are no doubt very useful and help in keeping safe. There are many of them used by people nowadays. One of these weapons is the self-defense knife. Self-defense knives are preferred by some people while others do not consider them as good self-defense weapons. 

Bring the owner and user of a self-defense knife, you must also take care of one thing, you must understand that the weapon in your grasp can take a human life in merely seconds, therefore, you need to be more careful with self-defense knives than with any other kind of a self-defense weapon. 

Holding a blade when the adrenaline is siphoning through your veins can give you a misguided feeling of power that can be dangerous, for you and for your opponent as well. This can push you over the edge which you must not allow it to do at all costs, after all, you just need to defend yourself and not actually kill someone. 

Learning the Art of Fighting

Before buying self-defense knives, you must also take classes on how to use them properly as they are useless for you as a self-defense weapon until you learn how to use them. You can take a seminar on the most proficient method of using self-defense knives and see if they are your kind of weapons or not. In these classes and seminars, they provide you information which helps you realize that in what kind of circumstances you can use these knives, and how to properly use them as well. You also learn about the errors that people make while using these knives especially in a self-defense situation and you learn from their mistakes. 

The basic thing which an individual must learn when thinking about using knives for self-defense is that a blade of any kind must be utilized properly, otherwise, there is no purpose of using it. Self-defense knives are easy to carry and from the outside, they just look like regular knives. But from the inside, they are specially designed to serve self-defense purpose. This is why they are sharp and more durable than other knives. So, what do you think about self-defense knives? Would you use them as your self-defense weapons or not?

Friday 1 March 2019

Analyzing the Efficacy of Brass Knuckles

What is Brass Knuckles?

Brass Knuckles, also known as knuckle duster, are designed in a way to be worn on the hands. Used as offensive as well as defensive weapon, brass knuckles are effective fighting tools. They can increase the punching power to a great extent. You can strike your opponents down in a fight if you punch someone with your fist, equipped with brass knuckles. 

A Brief Analysis of their Efficacy

Coming to the most important point, how effective are the brass knuckles? Well, we can count some ways where they may not work, maybe it is not a knife to be used for utility purpose. Also, it may not be a thrusting weapon. But, wait, there are countless ways in which I can prove them effective. Here are the points to talk about.

Additional Power in Your Fist

If you punch someone with your bare hands, you can even cause some damage. But, if you have the brass knuckles on, there is an additional strength you gain. A knuckle duster will enhance the power of your fist, and you can easily put someone down with a single punch. The additional value allows you to use less force to knock your opponents down as compared to bare-handed punches that would require excessive force.

A Non-lethal Self Defense Weapon

Are you comfortable with blades? Many of you are not. So, get a non-lethal weapon, such as brass knuckles for self defense. With a knife in your pocket, there is a fear of self-injury. You are vulnerable to injury yourself while a blade is placed in the pocket. Also, carrying a weapon in your pocket, bag or purse gives some sort of headache. There is an additional weight you always need to carry. However, a knuckle duster remains on your hand, so you are not carrying extra items with you. In addition, it is extremely safe because there is no blade attached with the  brass knuckles. So, isn’t it a more effective non-lethal self defense weapon?

Simple and Effective in a Street Fight

You may not often engage in a street fight, but sometimes you do. I hate some of my annoying neighbor, hence, I often want to kick their asses. For this purpose, my weapon is a knuckle duster. I simply put them on and give a forceful punch to win the street fight. It is easy to wear them, just draw your fingers across the palm, and press the thumb against your forefinger. You are ready to be a powerful street fighter.

So, what’s the Final Take?

Brass Knuckles are effective in most of the ways. You can simply put them on to deal with an attacker, and yes, they would injure him to let you escape. Secondly, you will be a good street fighter if you have your hands equipped with a knuckle duster. Also, a good fashion accessory. Finally, you gain the much-needed power to knock your opponents down with just a punch.

Read More: 4 Reasons Why You Should Let Your Kids Play with Airsoft Guns

Thursday 28 February 2019

How can a Baton Serve as a Self Defense Weapon?

Self defense has become a necessity for general public. From mass shootings to terrorist attacks, there have been hundreds of violence incidents taking place all over the world. Most of the victims of these violent attacks are the ones who can’t do anything to protect themselves. So, it is important to arm yourself to survive such attacks. You can do several things to escape the attacks, but you would still be landing in danger if you go outside unarmed. 

This is probably the reason why people are choosing self defense weapons. There are endless choices if you get to the market to buy a self defense tool. However, not every tool is up to the mark. A few weapons can be bulky to conceal, some are pretty hard to use, and a few require permits for use. This is where a self defense baton can be the most astounding choice. Self Defense batons can be easy to use, lightweight and collapsible, and can protect you from unexpected attacks. If you are wondering how a baton can serve as a self defense weapon, following are the reasons.

Easily concealed and compact

One of the greatest problems with the self defense weapons is that they are hard to conceal. Most of the weapons are difficult to hide such as handguns. You would never want to make it obvious that you are carrying a weapon. The surprise element can make a difference in case an incident happens as it would create a fear in the attacker’s mind. For this purpose, only self defense batons are an appropriate option. Batons can be hidden easily unlike pepper sprays, handguns, stun guns and other self defense tools. Modern batons are slim and easy to carry, Also, there are less chances of injuring yourself with baton, unlike pepper sprays and stun guns that can cause damage to the owner himself. 

No training needed to use a baton

Self defense baton is the easiest to use weapon. If you want to carry a handgun, you will need hours of training. If you have not fired a gun before, it is impossible to use the gun without proper training. Also, knives require practice for gaining accuracy. However, if you have not used a baton before, you can still use it because there is no difficulty using it. So, rather than spending time on training, you can start carrying it and immobilizing the attackers.

It can be used at a moment’s notice
The attacks are often occurred suddenly, you have no idea when an attacker approaches you. Therefore, you need a weapon that can work for you at a moment’s notice. A handgun is needed to be loaded or reloaded, a knife is needed to be taken out from the sheath. A self defense baton in your hands can quickly survive you from the attacks. In addition, batons don’t require consistent maintenance. However, they are more effective as self defense tools than guns, knives, and stun guns etc.

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Wednesday 20 February 2019

What are the Best Non-Lethal Weapons to Carry for Men and Women?

Are you wondering about getting some sort of self defense weapons? The truth is that you shouldn't linger those thoughts any longer. You can find yourself in a hairy situation at any time for we are living in a quite dangerous and intimidating place. Brutal incidents involving criminal attacks keep happening at all times; in fact, the majority of people grow up learning about unpleasant incidents from the news and social media.  Never do we want to imagine that any of such happenings could happen to us as well; there is no refuting of the importance and significance of the self defense weapons. Everyone needs to carry a contingency plan at all times which is best done by getting equipped with one of the best self defense weapons.

It is understandable that naturally, people do not feel good with carrying real guns as their self defense weapons; however, there is nothing to worry about if you are feeling the same. There is a huge variety of non-lethal yet highly effective self defense weapons available in the markets and online stores from where you can choose the one which suits you the best. An advantage of carrying one of the non-lethal self defense weapons is that you can induce pain to the attacker, render him/her helpless (for some time), and get away from the nasty situation along with calling the law enforcement department. The below-given list comprises some of the best self defense weapons for men and women.

1.  The Stun Gun

Did you know that the stun gun is one of the most effective self defense weapons? You can get an idea from the fact that even cops tend to carry stun guns with them. The stun gun comes in a huge variety with regards to design, features, and models. Nonetheless, all stun guns have the same purpose to ensure the safety and protection of the wielder of the stun gun. The majority of the stun guns are capable of administering 20 thousand and 150 thousand volts which is enough to stun the attacker and temporarily paralyze him/her without causing their death. 

Some versions of the stun gun have also an inbuilt LED flashlight which can assist in discouraging some attacker in his/her advancements while shining the light directly into their faces. Not to mention the fact that the mere sound of the current running through the stun gun has proven quite effective in discouraging the attackers and causing them to run away. Trust me; all are subconsciously petrified from getting "electrified".

2.   The Pepper Spray

The pepper spray is another form of the self defense weapons which have been with us since time now. However, the pepper spray is highly effective as well along with being non-lethal. If you are a jogger and prone to get out for a run later in the evening or night, it is recommended to pair up the stun gun with a pepper spray. The pepper spray, as well as the stun gun, are small in size; thus, easily portable and concealable. 

The content of the pepper spray causes irritation to the eyes and face; furthermore, it makes breathing difficult and causes temporary blindness. The pepper spray is highly effective since we can see cops carrying pepper spray with them at all times. There is one important note though that while spraying the content of the pepper spray, you ought to aim at the face of the attacker while maintaining a safe distance. Naturally, the attacker will keep kicking around them frantically while trying to reach you and harm you. Therefore, make sure to keep a safe distance and leave that spot after you have used the pepper spray.

3.  The Self Defense Baton

This is another one of the smoothest and simplest versions of the best self defense weapons. However, nothing can go wrong with this. The expandable self defense baton can be carried in a concealed manner. In addition, it doesn't require to get charged as in the case of the stun gun. Moreover, it doesn't require ammunition as in the case of real guns. All you need to do is practice a couple of swinging motion and you are good enough to hit the roads while carrying one of the best non-lethal self defense weapons.

Read More:  What are some of the Best Types of Pocket Knives to Have in the Year 2019?

Thursday 7 February 2019

How can a Slingshot Serve as a Good Survival Tool?

Did you know that besides from serving as a hunting tool, the best slingshot can be used as an effective weapon of survival as well? The slingshot has always served as a hunting tool; however, since we live in the ultra-modern age, the old hunting tools, such as the crossbows and the slingshot have been significantly placed by the modern weapons, such as the rifles and guns. Nonetheless, we humans have still kept up our fascination with the classic weapons and tools, including the slingshot. Now a day, the act of carrying a slingshot is widely associated with youth vandalism and playing mischief. Despite this, the best slingshot comprises a greater variety of essential survival applications.

The slingshot was primarily built as a hunting tool; therefore, if you are intending to practice with the slingshot in terms of hunting the smaller-sized animals, such as birds and squirrels, you will need to ensure to hit the "head" of the targets. In addition, you ought to keep a certain distance while aiming the shots in order to administer assured lethal shots instead of causing internal bleeding to the animal's meat. In this regards, it is highly recommended to practice target shooting with inanimate objects at home prior to taking the slingshot into the woods. Finally, whenever you feel certain that you have gotten better with the maneuverability of the slingshot; you ought to take the slingshot into the woods; however, make sure to take only "headshots" of the small-sized animals. Hunting with the best slingshot will definitely have certain limits.

Why is the Slingshot a Good Survival Tool?

Have you noticed how "silent" the slingshot it? In contrast to a real gun, you are able to "fire" a shot in the form of a stone, pebble, or any other hard object, without even the slightest sound. A good weapon is the one which can be carried in a concealed way. In this regard, the slingshot is concealable and easily portable as well. Trust me, many people, who aren't aware of the potential of the slingshot, might even take is a toy and let you pass through with it in certain areas where carrying any tool or weapon of self defense is forbidden. You might start while using your slingshot as a hunting tool; however, along with time and constant practice your stalking and hunting skills will definitely improve which will lend you an edge during the crucial survival situations where you will have to make effective use of the slingshot.

The use of the slingshot as an essential survival tool carries other advantages as well. For instance, you will have plenty of ammunition around you available at all times. As compared to the real guns which require real bullets, the slingshot is a far better option with regards to the ammunition for it is abundant as well as easier to get. The slingshot is made of the simplest parts which makes it relatively easier to care for and keep it maintained. The small size of the slingshot will allow you to carry it smoothly through crowded areas without attracting unwanted attention from the passerby. 

Many states and places have legalized the slingshot for an open carry; however, it is still suggested to check in with your local law enforcement department with regards to the legality of carrying the slingshot onto the streets. Lastly, in contrast to other survival tools and hunting weapons, the slingshot is very cost effective. You can find the best slingshot at the best price online and at the local markets. 

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Friday 1 February 2019

Why is Brass Knuckles Illegal despite Being Worldwide Popular?

Brass knuckles have been around us for a long time; since the ancient Romans have been around us to be specific. In fact, the first versions of the brass knuckles were manufactured and developed by the Romans themselves. Subsequently, the first versions of the brass knuckles comprised of "fighting gloves" which contained parts of metals and stones. These initials forms of the brass knuckles were known as the "caestus" and comprised of leather wrappings with bits and pieces of metal and stones. 

Similar to the modern version of the brass knuckles, the "caestus" serves as a tool which added the much-required boost to the punching power of the gladiators. The gladiators used the first versions of the brass knuckles in the fighting arenas where to the cheer of the crowd much damage was inflicted to the slaves who were presented to the gladiators as their fighting "opponents".

Since the very beginning, the brass knuckles have maintained their status as being effective fighting tools; consequently, the brass knuckles are banned in the majority of the states and countries around the globe. The ban on the bass knuckle is mainly due to their brutal history as well as the fact that you can impart some serious damage while wielding an amazing pair of the brass knuckles. 

For instance, all of us know that fights with brass knuckles always end in a broken nose, fractured skull, or other broken body parts. In this regard, people have come up with other ideas for keeping the brass knuckles around. For instance, now you are able to get brass knuckles in the form of the brass knuckles paperweight or the brass knuckles belt buckle. Many fashion designers have added the brass knuckles into clothing items as well, such as shoes with heels designed after the brass knuckles; or, even bags with brass knuckles attached to them.

Brass Knuckles and Legality Issues

The rich history of the brass knuckles reflects the efficacy of them in terms of amazing fighting tools. Did you know that during the WWII, the soldiers used brass knuckles knife, also known as the trench knife for fighting off their opponents within the tight spaces of the trenches? During the WWI and WWII, the major parts of the wars were in fact fought inside the trenches where the long rifles couldn't do the needful jobs. This is where the brass knuckles knife took over and served as an effective fighting tool. The trench knife had brass knuckles attached to their knife handle which made them effective fighting blades. If you are looking for brass knuckles online, it is important to check in with the local law department with regards to the legality of carrying them on you.

In California, Texas, Michigan, the State of Vermont, and Illinois, the brass knuckles are banned and illegal to own and possess. However, in the state of South Carolina, you are allowed to carry and own the brass knuckles except for carrying it with murderous intentions. If the latter is the case, you can face a long time in jail. In case your state allows you to carry and own an amazing set of brass knuckles, you ought to practice sufficiently with regards to the maneuverability of the brass knuckles. It is highly recommended to practice with the brass knuckles against a wall or a sandbag before you feel confident enough to take the brass knuckles outside. While maneuvering the brass knuckles, make sure that you keep your arm slightly bent while keeping the wrist straight. This stature will prevent the fracture of your striking hand while using the brass knuckles.

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