Tuesday 28 July 2020

What Are The Top 5 Self Defense Weapons?

 self defense weapons
When it comes to self defense weapons, many questions arise in your mind. Some of them might be like; how does a self defense weapon work? Which one is the best? How many weapons should we carry? And, much more.

Today, we are here discussing the topmost defensive weapons so that you can easily know, which one is better for you.

How Important Is It To Carry Defensive Weapons?

It is a fact that crimes are increasing with every passing day all over the globe. Well, it is impossible to overcome such issues without weapons, be it lethal or non-lethal. If you can't handle or carry lethal weapons, have non-lethal ones to defend yourselves.

It is undoubtedly essential to have even a single weapon with you whenever you step out of the house.

Without a weapon, if you experience something inappropriate, what will you do to save your life? You will jump into the unsafe zone where you can’t even fight for yourself. Therefore, carrying even a tiny personal defense weapon is a must nowadays.

The 5 Most Helpful And Compatible Self Defense Weapons:

If we talk about the best defensive weapons, there is a massive range of such weapons and tools. But, on the top, following these five have made their places.

1. Pepper Spray

Pepper spray is an effective and straightforward weapon for safety. You can rapidly spray it on the face or mainly eyes of the attacker to cause temporary blindness or inflammation.

2. Stun Gun

Police forces widely use stun guns. These electroshock weapons have a variety including, cell phone, lipstick, flashlight, and belt stun gun.

You can have tasers too, as they fire projectiles to pass the current to the opponent.

3. Blank Guns:

Blank guns are just like real firearms but are not. Thus, they are one of the best self defense weapons to carry. They fire, but a shell filled with only gunpowder.

4. Pocket Knives:

It is one of the broadest categories of defensive weapons. There are different pocket knives you can keep in your purse or pocket. They are highly effective and convenient with deadly results.

5. Brass Knuckles:

You can wear brass knuckles on your knucks or use keychains and belts of knuckles to secure yourself.

The mighty fist is enough to disable the attacker for a few minutes, giving you an excellent time to escape.

The Final Thoughts:

We all need at least one of these self defense weapons to keep our lives safe and secure from any sudden attack. They are indeed a blessing in life-threatening situations.

Learn about different tactics to cope with the condition using a related weapon. Every weapon works according to usage and circumstances. So, choose wisely about what will be perfect for your lifestyle and outgoings.