Thursday 26 December 2019

Pepper Spray - Women’s Perfect Defender

Pepper spray has emerged as an effective weapon for self defense. It is specifically advantageous for women who like to carry small and non lethal weapons. 

And yes, it is non lethal, but very effective. It works well in a self defense situation. This is why it has dramatically become popular among women. 

Well, this is not the weapon that is supposed to be used by women only, men can also use it. 

But, considering the fact that men prefer lethal weapons, they don’t find it as an ideal weapon for them. As far as women are concerned, this is their perfect defender. 

Today, I will tell you exactly why women love to use pepper spray to deal with the attackers. But, before that, it is important to know its working mechanism. Here is how it works:

How Pepper Spray Works?

Pepper spray is actually a spray and you can spray it by just pushing a button. When you spray it on the face of the attacker, it causes a severe burning effect. 

It specifically causes damage to the eyes. It can irritate the eyes and force them to close. Also, it leads to temporary blindness, and allows you to escape. There is no permanent damage though. 

Carried in the Pocket or Purse

Pepper spray is usually a very small weapon. It is so small that it easily fits into the pocket. For women, it is the best thing because they can carry it in their purses. Since it is easy to carry, they can remain equipped with a weapon and be ready to face the attackers.

Usable from Some Distance

A great advantage of pepper spray over other self defense weapons is that it can be used from a distance. Many weapons are useful, but they require you to go near the attacker to inflict maximum damage. 

Not the case with pepper spray. It causes effect from some distance, or in other words, a safe distance. 

I know going closer to the attacker is dangerous. So, with this spray, you can stand at a safe distance and do the damage. 

Immediate Effect

The reason why women love pepper spray is that it can cause damage quickly. This is also why they don’t like using blades. 

Yes, blades can cause long term injuries, but the temporary effect is not enough to knock them down.

On the other hand, temporary effect caused by this spray is severe. It can quickly cause blindness or force the attacker to close his eyes due to serious burning sensation. 

Hence, this quick damage is what women want in such situations. 

Guaranteed Survival

Pepper spray guarantees your survival against the attackers. Review its advantages mentioned above, you can understand why women prefer this smart weapon to deal with the attackers. It fulfills the needs as well as expectations of the women.

Tuesday 24 December 2019

Stun Gun - Electroshock Device to Serve Your Survival

Stun gun has emerged as the most effective weapon for survival against the attackers. Since random attacks have become common, there are consistent struggles to find the right weapon to deal with those attackers. 

However, people have come around stun gun as the best weapon to get rid of attackers. 

This is basically an electroshock device which serves your survival by immobilizing the attacker. Here is a complete description of this electroshock weapon. 

How Does a Stun Gun Work?

Stun gun is a very small sized weapon. It is shaped like a cell phone, a ring, a flashlight, a lipstick etc. However, on all these designs, one thing is common and i-e the two prongs. 

These two prongs actually make the weapon work. When you touch the prongs to the attacker’s body, they deliver a powerful electrical shock straight away and immobilize the attacker for some time. 

Stun Gun is Easiest to Carry Weapon

An advantage of stun gun as a self defense weapon is that it is easy to carry. Firstly, because it is shaped like commonly used things such as cell phone or lipstick, it is hard to detect. 

Secondly, it is extremely small that it fits into the pocket quite well. So, you can carry it in your pocket. Women can even carry it in their purses or small bags. 

Stun Gun is Easiest to Use

Another advantage of having a stun gun as your ultimate self defense weapon is that it is quite easy to use. Most weapons out there are quite complex to use. But it is quite easy.

No training or practice needed. You can learn it straight away because you actually have nothing to do with it. 

All you need to do is touch the prongs to the body of the attacker and this is it. A strong electrical shock is delivered to the attacker.

How Stun Gun Serves Your Survival?

Stun gun ensures your survival by letting you escape after putting the attacker on his toes. As you deliver a powerful electrical shock, the attacker is immobilized for quite some time. 

In the meantime, you can escape and run for your life. The attacker will take some time to get back on his feet.